Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs – PetsPedia

Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs


Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs

I want to introduce you to two personalities who have been involved quite internationally

Fabulous professionals from whom you can learn a lot about Marketing, content and business. Authentic successful Mexican Entrepreneurs, (Fresh information that you will not find even in Wikipedia) if you do not know them I present them to you:

Juan Lombana: Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs

  • Age: 28 years
  • Work: Sales and branding campaigns on social networks, web pages and search engines.
  • Social Networks: Facebook , Instagram and Google Plus (Joke, not even he uses it)

Who is Juan Lombana?: Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs

Juan Lombana is an internet sales star. It currently holds the # 22 position among the best digital marketers in Google’s global ranking. Not for less, he emphasizes that he has worked with international brands in very specific and complex market niches.

For Juan it is easy to adapt to new platforms and sales dynamics, no matter what trend arises, he can do marketing at any time.


He currently runs his own company, Mercatitlán :

It is an online school of Digital Marketing specialized in Google with which yes or yes you are going to sell. I am sure that it will soon become an institution.

As I described in my article on valuable content on the internet , we all must learn to sell or at least to communicate through social networks.

Fric Martinez

If we talk about Mexican entrepreneurs and Networkers, Fric is a reference:

  • Age: 48 years
  • Job: Graphic Artist, Creative, Business Model Builder
  • Social networks: Twitter , Facebook and Instagram

Who is FricMartínez?

His name is Carlos Matiella and from an early age he stood out as a graphic artist. From an early age, he has created several companies around the animation, editing and production business. During his years as an entrepreneur, he collected and systematized all his experience to start business:


An educational concept of entrepreneurship, movement in itself since through PDF’s, courses at UDEMY, conferences, workshops, diplomas, etc. It achieved something that few brands can; create a whole concept and movement around your brand.

We have examples of modern entrepreneurship like the one I told you about in my column About Elon Musk and his boring company , I invite you to read it and discover the great impact of entrepreneurship in this world.

FricMartínez blacklist

He is an outgoing and witty character, he has on his website a blacklist of help and complaints for professionals and companies. I also loved his startupera guide and of course, the flagship product:

Create a mop business in 20 steps.

Please, do not consume summaries, essays, guides or low-priced versions, buy the original (and if you can in printed version better) it is worth every penny.

The Copy Divan, Talenteca, Enterpreneurship, the MBA and even Facebook have dedicated a space to this great entrepreneur.

I also invite you to review my opinion about , I am sure it will complement your training in marketing and sales very well.

Successful Mexican Entrepreneurs

If you could have two great teachers at your disposal to start your business and earn many millions from scratch, I am sure you would choose them as mentors.


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