What is the ideal structure for a tutoring class?
What is the ideal structure for a tutoring class?
It is very tempting to go to your student’s house without any preparation, but it is likely that you will be fired at the end of your probationary time …
The Roman proverb Si vis pacem, para bellum (“If you want peace, prepare for war”), can be extrapolated to school support. There are no swords or phalanxes, but materials for class and adapted exercises. A teacher never gives a master class without having seriously prepared it; you must do the same.
Now, what is the ideal structure of tutoring classes ? An effective particular case revolves around six golden rules: What is the ideal structure for a tutoring class?
Identifying the student’s needs;
The determination of the objectives;
The elaboration of an individualized program;
The consolidation of knowledge through an interactive dialogue;
The reward for the effort;
Analysis of the results.
School support is very useful to prepare for exams.
These general laws apply to practically all types of school support, whether they are intensive courses, language classes, remedial classes, e-learning …
A good diagnosis saves time and achieves a successful result. The first class is very important, since it is necessary to evaluate the level of the student and establish the objectives of the school revision classes . Parents will have to participate in this last point. This step should be carried out with tact, so as not to go against the student or their parents.
Keep in mind that the student’s confidence is an essential requirement for progress. Human qualities are very important in the process. If you put a tailor-made study program into practice, you will stand out as a teacher.
Proposing varied supports, if possible with a playful nature (especially for the little ones), will make a good impression on the family. And the student will be more motivated.
In the same way, it is essential to emphasize the strengths and effort of the student. School support must not reproduce the austerity and seriousness that often prevail in conventional classrooms.