What is the salary of a school support teacher?
What is the salary of a school support teacher?
Homework help teachers and school support can make a good living!: What is the salary of a school support teacher?
“The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who pulls, pushes, takes you to the next level, and sometimes pokes you with a sharp stick called ‘truth'” – Dan Rather
Like any profession, every job deserves a salary! In the case of private classes, the salary of a private teacher can vary, in particular according to their level.
In fact, a beginning tutor does not necessarily earn the same as a more experienced tutoring teacher. The average for a class is € 10, but everything will also depend on the level of the student, because a primary school child will not require the same preparation as a secondary or high school student, for example.
Therefore, the price of a private teacher varies according to different criteria. And some of these criteria are:
The studies of the professor in question.
The number of years of experience as a private teacher.
The number of students the teacher has taught.
The number of hours dedicated to school support.
Complementary training to their basic training.
The recommendations of parents, students and word of mouth.
And many more!
The matter can also vary the prices. Normally, if an hour of class at Superprof is billed at € 15, this rate can be changed depending on whether it is a sports class, a guitar class or a math class.
To work as a private teacher, you can work in an academy or on your own. Each option has advantages that the other does not have, and vice versa. It is up to you to see, depending on your lifestyle, what interests you most with respect to your financial expectations!