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Level certificates in German

BlogLanguagesGermanExams and Diplomas in German Language: Level certificates in German

German diplomas at the university
What are the Goethe-Institut German exams?
DAF and DSH exams to study in Germany
What is the BULATS Deutsch-Test?
Tudesca grammar, with its famous declensions that suggest ancient languages, has a reputation for not being entirely easy.
If we go beyond the prejudices that belittle the literary beauty of Germanic poetry, which are very widespread in the public opinion, there are reasons to be proud of learning German.
Mastering this language allows you not only to appreciate it in its proper measure and enjoy it, but also to open yourself to new professional horizons.
Speaking German is a great advantage to access prestigious firms.
Some company positions are reserved for German-speakers (who also speak other languages, of course), since within the European Union, Germany is the leading economic power in Europe.
There are many reasons to prepare today to achieve a good level of German, an aptitude that you can use both in your CV and in job interviews.
Let’s explore the different possibilities for Spanish students who wish to demonstrate their knowledge in this language spoken by 100 million people, making it the first in the European Union.

German diplomas at the university: Level certificates in German

We can start studying German as a second or third foreign language both in ESO and Bachelor. Another possibility may be to sign up for the Official Language School, where you can take six German courses corresponding to the CEFR levels.
The majority of Spanish students who complete their Bachelor’s degree carry out higher studies .
Once at the university, it is possible to continue your progress in the German language, which will thus be officially validated.
Tübingen | In the Land of Bade-Württemberg, one of the most reputed German cities in Germany | source: visualhunt.com
One option would be to dedicate some ECTS credits to the beautiful Schiller dialect.
It can be chosen as an elective and will generally have a total of 6 ECTS of the 30 that a university semester has. You can continue to opt for this option throughout the quarters or revoke it.
Each student can, depending on the modules proposed by their center and their university year, decide to follow courses of one level or another (according to the steps of the CEFR or Common European Framework of Reference).
In this way, you can study history, law, geography, chemistry or anything else and also have some German credits taught in university classrooms.
Another option would be to choose a degree entirely or almost in German, which would correspond to a certain vocation.
For example, it would be the case of completing a degree in German, Spanish-German Studies or Translation and Interpreting with German as the first foreign language.
In general, most choose to be German teachers or pursue careers as translators or interpreters.
In any case, these degrees offer training based on civilization, culture, linguistics and literature.
Whatever studies you do, you can always go abroad for some time with Erasmus scholarships or if you do Spanish-German studies. In some cases, even in Germany, the degrees can be in English and therefore attract people who start with German.
Those who have doubts can choose to study German for their pleasure through distance support or through private German classes at home, the prices of which vary depending on the teacher’s qualifications.
The disadvantage of these two solutions that you will not have an academic proof.
On the contrary, the level of fluency that you acquire will always be an advantage and will allow you to advance along the paths that we describe below.

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